作品名称時尚川流是動態的整體,一如自然 Le corps si vivant comme la nature

作品材质絲 Satin 

源於東方主義風潮的抽象語境,2020-2021的藝術與服裝創作,無論是創作概念、內涵、佈局或創作要素,都傾向以寫圖畫字的墨韻意象,嘗試將「感悟大自然與身體對話關係」轉化為東方 “抒情抽象”敘述創作。



Originating from the abstract context of the Orientalist trend, the 2020-2021 art and clothing creations, whether in terms of creative concept, connotation, layout, or creative elements, tend to use the ink imagery of writing pictures and characters, trying to "perceive nature and body The "Dialogue Relationship" is transformed into the Eastern "lyrical abstract" narrative creation.

The overall spirit of the work is to express the self-examination of being in the world, such as existence, clumsiness, technical incompetence, etc., hoping to retrieve the essence and self-confidence of self-observation through introspection. Through the drag of nature and the rhythm of the body, the changes in depth are like the pen dance of aerial dance. The vague and unknowable and unfathomable universe is too imaginary. The colored and uncolored spaces are the background of emotions, when writing people and time. The intuitive situation that blends and flows together in space is a virtual situation as an abstract spirit. Both the virtual and the reality can become an abstract language as an abstract lyrical expression of the heart, and as a fashion reflection to observe the subject itself.

Through the creation of clothing, patterns and materials have become a new medium of artistic extension, using unfamiliar objects to enter a state of immersion, penetrating directly into the inner micro-fashionable material world, so as to continuously awaken the memory of the simplicity and beauty between the world and the earth. Riding in the virtual boundless universe is a reflection of the assimilation of mind, body and soul with the universe and the integration of art and fashion.


时装艺术国际同盟副主席 亚东科大材料与纤维系副教授,一位以艺术应用的研究实验者自许的创作者,是介乎设计师和市场需要及梦想的执人。在台湾美术系西画组毕,曾获台阳美展雕塑组第三名。旅法7年,其间获工业局奖学金,并数次获国际服装设计首奖,法国人称她的服装线条有如感性的动态雕塑。她擅长人体素描、雕塑、打版与空间装置,拥有法国高级时装公会学校立裁专门技术与法国知名学府国立巴黎高等装饰艺术学院(ENSAD)服装设计系硕士文凭,国立台湾艺术大学创意产业设计研究所博士毕。创作领域结合艺术与时尚,自I996年迄今分别在台湾、香港、大陆、法国共举办过60多场以上大型设计师联展与个人服装展,目前更致力於“生态生活、时尚与艺术”及多元媒材后加工工艺的创作应用与发展

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