作品名称:暗香 Faint Fragrance

作品材质:女装(雪纺 真丝)男装( 黏胶 羊毛)

Womenswear (Chiffon, Silk)   Menswear (Viscose, Wool)


Two garments were inspired from Liangzhu culture. Neither representative patterns nor dressing methods in Liangzhu culture applied in the fashion design. The designer extracted the colours and lustre of jade that was deeply buried and oxidized in the earth and could not be seen by modern people. He used round vortex patterns and Panchi stripes in Liangzhu culture and re-depict the flower, grass and other animal and plant patterns consistent with modern people’s aesthetics. Moreover, he mixed and combined the colours in a popular street style, which revealed the unruly style of Liangzhu culture.


时装艺术国际同盟常务理事委员 中国服装设计师协会理事、艺术委员会委员。毕业于天津工艺美术学院,曾师从日本文化服装学院佐佐木住江教授和服装工艺专家佐藤典子女士。前任利郎(上海)有限公司L2品牌设计总监。2005年创办自有品牌Beautyberry,担任品牌设计总监。2014荣获2014亚太经合组织(APEC)会议人领导人服装设计工作突出贡献奖;2014荣获2014亚太经合组织(APEC)会议人领导人服装样衣制作工作并作出突出贡献奖;2014荣获2014年度哥本哈根皮草设计大师奖;2015获邀参加香港华丽秀发布2015秋冬女装系列;2015 参加澳大利亚悉尼时装周2016春夏专场发布;2017荣获中国服装设计师金顶奖;2017自创品牌B+荣获年度时尚品牌奖。

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