






Brief Introduction of International Fashion Art Network


时装艺术国际同盟(International Fashion Art Network,简称IFAN)成立于2015年,总部设于韩国首尔市同盟成员主要由国际艺术家、设计师、学者组成,是国际性的非赢利机构。通过在全球范围内组织时装艺术国际展、举办国际性的时装艺术专题研讨会、策划及出版时装艺术作品画册及专题论文集等活动内容,致力于促进时装艺术的国际交流与学术发展,加深国际间的文化理解与合作




The International Fashion Art Network (IFAN) was founded in Seoul, South Korea in 2015. IFAN is an international non-profit organization, which is mainly composed of artists, designers, and scholars from all over the world. It aims to promote the international communication and  academic development of fashion art as well as deepen the cultural understanding and international cooperation by organizing fashion art exhibitions, holding fashion art seminars, planning and publishing fashion art albums and related symposiums, etc..  


In order to meet the needs of more fashion art enthusiasts, promote the all-round development of fashion art in the aspects of the exhibition, communication, education, popularization, etc., and play its leading role in the industry and professional fields, the Fashion Art Committee of China Textile Engineering Society was established on October 16, 2020 with the approval of the first executive council meeting of the 26th Council of China Textile Engineering Society (CTES). With the participation of more domestic members, IFAN will continue to carry out relevant work and build closer ties with universities and government agencies to promote the development of Chinese fashion art and international exchanges.
