杜雅茜于1993年5月出生于陕西西安。2017年12月以一等荣誉学位毕业于全球前十的独立艺术学院——英国格拉斯哥艺术学院,在校期间攻读服装设计专业(Fashion & Textiles),主要研究方向为刺绣与印花技术在男装流行服饰中的创造性应用,图案设计和材料创新。学习期间持续密切关注国内外时尚动态,在读期间担任助教先后从事了多项与时尚产业密切相关的工作,从中形成了较为全面的时尚认知,同时积累了丰富的相关实践经验现为西安美术学院服装系专任教师

DU YAXI Was born in May 1993 in Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province. In December 2017, she graduated from Glasgow School of Art, one of the world's top ten independent art colleges, with a first-class honours degree. She majored in Fashion & Textiles, and her main research direction is the creative application of embroidery and printing technology in men's wear, pattern design and material innovation.

During her study, she continued to pay close attention to fashion trends at home and abroad. She also served as a teaching assistant and engaged in a number of jobs that are closely related to the fashion industry, from which she formed a relatively comprehensive understanding of fashion and accumulated rich practical experience. Now she is a full-time teacher of costume Department of Xi 'an Academy of Fine Arts.


<The guide of the exploration in dream> Series

作品材料:  牛仔面料毛呢面料人造毛纤维 

 Denim fabric, Woollen fabric, Polyester


The design of <The guide of the exploration in dream> is inspired by the dream during childhood. When she was a child, she always hope herself could grow up quickly, so she often stole the clothes that were designed for adults. The series of clothing use the oversize version to make the sleeves longer design, the fabric reconstruction is in the form of hand-painted rendering design to traditional hand embroidery techniques. The whole series design is focuse on integration, with the modern men's wear version design combined with traditional manual embroidery.


 杜雅茜于1993年5月出生于陕西西安。2017年12月以一等荣誉学位毕业于全球前十的独立艺术学院——英国格拉斯哥艺术学院,在校期间攻读服装设计专业(Fashion & Textiles),主要研究方向为刺绣与印花技术在男装流行服饰中的创造性应用,图案设计和材料创新。学习期间持续密切关注国内外时尚动态,在读期间担任助教先后从事了多项与时尚产业密切相关的工作,从中形成了较为全面的时尚认知,同时积累了丰富的相关实践经验。现为西...

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