
Qingxin Peng is a postdoctoral fellow in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research area is fashion communication and promotion including the application of creative textiles in fashion designs and promoting the fashion and brand in on/offline environments. 

作品名称:流纱 2  Floating Silk 2

作品材质:香云纱、合金Gambiered Silk, Alloy

合作设计师:姜绶祥 Kinor JIANG,



The surface of gambiered silk fabric coated with metal alloy by using sputtering technology to produce iridescent color effects. The characteristics of traditional material and developed finishing process are presented together on the clothing. Three garments in this collection are made by coating gambiered Canton gauze with a variety of different metals. Produced in Shunde, China, the gambiered Canton gauze is dark in colour. The silky lustre and delicate jacquard surface become interlaced with black, steel blue, fold and bronze colours from the sputter coating process. The garments skifully apply the modern line of the silhouettes. The spirit and strength of the material transcend is own space into the physical surroundings.


彭青歆,香港理工大学博士后。她的研究领域为时尚传播与推广,主要将创新性纺织品应用于服装设计中,并以线上和线下等活动形式进行服饰及品牌推广。Qingxin Peng is a postdoctoral fellow in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research area is fashion communication and promotion including the application of creative textiles in fashion designs and promoting the fashion and brand in on/offline envi...

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