2017-2021 本科就读于北京服装学院,考入服装与服饰设计专业实验班。




    2019年入选BIFT- CSM交换生项目。

    2020年参与BIFT- MMU国际工作营项目,设计被选入优秀作品,获得Victoria Beckham品牌面料赞助,参与时尚电影拍摄。

    参与 “外研社杯”英语阅读及写作能力竞赛荣获一、二等奖。




From 2017 to 2021, I studied in Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology as an undergraduate and was admitted to the experimental class of Fashion and Costume Design.

In 2018 and 2019, I participated in two Sessions of National English Competition for College Students (NECCS), and won the national First prize and the Special prize of English CLASS D respectively. In August 2019, I represented my school to participate in the National Summer Camp Finals.

In 2018, I participated in the IYDC International Design Invitational held by BSC as a volunteer and assisted British designers to win the gold medal.

I won the first-class scholarship twice in 2019 and 2020.

In 2019, was selected to bifT-CSM exchange student program.

In 2020, I participated in bift-MMU International Work Camp project, and my design was selected as excellent work. I was sponsored by Victoria Beckham and participated in fashion film shooting.

Participated in "FLTRP Cup" English Reading and Writing Ability Competition and won the first and second prizes.

In 2020, my article was published in Higher Education Research of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology.

In 2021, was selected for AOF Young Designers Competition in the United States.

In 2021, I was admitted to the Fashion Design major of Dyeing and Weaving Fashion Design Department of Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University with the highest score, and studied for a postgraduate degree.


作品名称老生常谈 Cliche

作品材质纺织面料  Textile Fabric



In the concept of "pathological aesthetics" proposed by the scholar Ma Weidu, the representative objects at the top of the aesthetic chain become strange or pathological due to the subjective transformation of the aesthetic subject. This is because under the monarchy society, the aesthetic development of both sexes is extremely unbalanced, resulting in the aesthetic demand for the morbid human body basically comes from men, and the aesthetic object is mainly the morbid female image. The west also has a similar aesthetic process, with women's "rich buttocks" and concave and convex curves as the beauty, are the embodiment of male aesthetic dominance. In fact, these pathological social phenomena did not exist only in ancient times. There is a similar "pathological perpetuation" in today's society - are high heels and overly skinny beauty the new age of foot binding and thin waists? When these phenomena gradually form the main aesthetic preference in society, it is also a new morbid aesthetic demand.

Based on this, I hope to use the design to call people's attention to the breeding ground of pathological beauty. As long as the society is based on this unbalanced gender construction, the pathological aesthetic will always exist. Therefore, I use in the design image isomorphism, exaggerated deformation, etc as the wrong art gimmick, selected the five of the culture in qing dynasty on behalf of the image - the goldfish, miniascape, rockery, birdcage, gall, wood and clothing isomorphism, deliberate distortion will be skewed in profile design features amplification to explore its unique artistic value, guide people by visual stimulus at the same time reflecting on the culture behind the origin, It calls for the balanced development of contemporary aesthetic standards for both sexes.


    2017-2021 本科就读于北京服装学院,考入服装与服饰设计专业实验班。    2018及2019年参与两届全国大学生英语竞赛(NECCS),并分别荣获英语D类全国一等奖和特等奖,于2019年8月代表学校参加全国夏令营总决赛。    2018年作为志愿者参与北服承办的IYDC国际设计邀请赛,协助英国设计师获得金奖。    2019及2020年两次荣获一等奖学金。    2019年入选BIFT- CSM交换生项目。    2020年参与BIFT- MMU国际工作营项目,设计被选...

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