杨大伟出生于中国香港。 英国诺森比亚大学时装专业毕业后,他从事设计工作,1997 后从事设计教育工作,成为香港时装设计项目负责人。2009

年,他获得了设计管理硕士学位, 并在英国任教。他还在土耳其伊兹密尔任教,并为美国学生进行在线教学。自 2014 年以来,他一直在中国任教。

他是北京服装学院国际艺术与设计课程的课程负责人。 2016 年至2018 年, 任中央美术学院国际工作室主任。目前,他受聘于英国南安普顿大学,

在大连教授学生时装设计。他还参加了在美国、香港、韩国和中国的许多学术演讲和展览。最近,他于 2020 年至 2021 年被任命为美国林登伍德大学时尚商业与设计顾问委员会成员, 并于 2021 年至 2025 年为中国时装艺术国际同盟 (IFAN) 成员。

David YEUNG was born in Hong Kong.After graduation from NorthumbriaUniversity, UK majoring in fashion, heworked as a design practitioner and afterhe worked in design education and had become a program leader in fashion design in Hong Kong. In 2009, he achieved an MA in Design Management and taught

in UK. He also taught in Izmir and did online teaching for USA students. He has then taught in China since 2014. He was Course Leader in an international art and design program at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. Between 2016 – 2018, he was Head of Studio at China CentralAcademy of Fine Arts. Currently, he has been hired by University of Southampton, UK to teach students fashion in Dalian. David has also participated in many scholarly presentations and exhibitions in US, South Korea and China. And lately, he has been appointed as Advisory Council Member by Fashion Business and Design, Lindenwood University, USA between 2020-2021, and Member of International Fashion Art Network (IFAN), China between 2021-2025.


作品名称:S (survive). O (optimistic). S (Staycation)

作品材质:Lycra, knitted cotton for garments.

Bamboo and stretchy fabrics for head accessories

合作艺术家:区永欣 、张丽蓉

S.O.S concept and execution are created for art exhibition with no commercial purpose.

Red (Fushia) dress by David. Blue (color block) dress by Kim. Hats by Lio.


Special thanks to Serge Quadrado for music ‘Dramatic Piano’ from Serge Piano.

And dancers Priscilla Lo and Kristie Li for their beautiful performance.

该项目的灵感来自Covid 19和口罩。我召集了一个由Kim Au,Lio Cheung和我组成的团队共同致力于这项目。我们基于此来考虑 SOS,但感觉不是危险,而是生存 SURVIVE,乐观 OPTIMISTIC,小休闲空间 STAYCATION - 我们应该积极面对这问题。我的紫红色服装代表着生存,因为它代表了我们采取预防措施的信号。 Kim 浅色的宽松服装表示乐观,因为我们需要保持镇定并准备面对挫折。小休闲空间意味着我们需要利用有限的空间来创造舒适和温暖,因此 Lio 创造了头饰配件。莱卡纤维和针织物是关键,因为具有弹力和韧性有利于舞蹈。竹子很容易弯曲,从而形成头饰。舞者盛装表演,表现出活力和力量克服困难。这意味着人类需要灵活以面对变化。我们认为时尚不仅限于在社会上展现个人身份和美丽的领域,而且是表达我们可以看到和感知的东西的方式,以呼应我们世界上正在发生的事情。我们相信时尚充满爱与关怀,因此我们用时尚来表达张力,挣扎与释放。

The project is inspired by Covid 19. I called up a team-Kim Au, Lio Cheung and me who work together. We think of SOS based on the issue but the feeling is not danger but SURVIVE, OPTIMISTIC, STAYCATION - We should be positive enough to face it. My fuchsia garment stands for survive because it represents a signal for us to take precaution. Kim's voluminous garment with light colors for optimistic because we need to stay calm and be ready to face difficulties. Staycation means we need to make use of limited space to create comfort and warmth and so Lio's head accessories are created. Lycras and knitted fabrics are keys because of stretch and tenacity properties are good for dance. Bamboos are easy to bend so as to create forms for head pieces.  Dancers dress up in full and perform so as to present dynamic and strength against the odds. The whole concept is human should be flexible enough to face changes. We think fashion is not only confined to the area of showing one's identity and beauty in society, but also a way to express what we can see and perceive to echo what is happening in our world. We believe fashion has love and caring and so we use fashion to express the feeling of tension, struggle and release.  

杨大伟 ( Yeung,David)

杨大伟出生于中国香港。 英国诺森比亚大学时装专业毕业后,他从事设计工作,1997 后从事设计教育工作,成为香港时装设计项目负责人。2009年,他获得了设计管理硕士学位, 并在英国任教。他还在土耳其伊兹密尔任教,并为美国学生进行在线教学。自 2014 年以来,他一直在中国任教。他是北京服装学院国际艺术与设计课程的课程负责人。 2016 年至2018 年, 任中央美术学院国际工作室主任。目前,他受聘于英国南安普顿大学,在大连教...

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