Just after few months on the luscious island of Kauai all I wanted to do was to draw flowers, paint flowers, plant flowers.... just anything flowers. So I crocheted few. Our model Veda is wearing one. 

I experienced first hand that wearing beige in Paris is chic and black in New York City is cool but, as my days are filled with tropical sunlight, I now consider colors to be a true luxury.

I call this image, photographed by Gilles Larrain, Kapua, which means flower in Hawaiian, to honor the culture of native people who graciously welcomed me on their land.

刚在美丽的考艾岛呆了几个月,我只想种花弄草画画……所有的一切都是围绕花。所以我做了一些钩针作品,由我们的模特维达穿着其中一件。我亲身体验到在巴黎穿米色很时髦,在纽约穿黑色很酷,但是,由于我的生活被热带阳光照耀所有我认为颜色是真正的奢侈品。我把这张吉勒·拉瑞恩(Gilles Larrain拍摄的照片取名为Kapua,意思是夏威夷的花,是为了纪念那些在这片土地上热情欢迎我的土著人的文化。

Kapua 花

 Just after few months on the luscious island of Kauai all I wanted to do was to draw flowers, paint flowers, plant flowers.... just anything flowers. So I crocheted few. Our model Veda is wearing one. I experienced first hand that wearing beige in Paris is chic and black in New York City is cool but, as my days are filled with tropical sunlight, I now consider colors to be a true luxury.I cal...

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