《薄暮 dusk》

刘 冲

杜邦纸Dupont paper


Instruction: This work is made of Dupont paper. The inspiration of this work comes from the mask of doctors in the Period of Black Death in Europe. On the color of the work, a pure white bird-beak mask is made to simulate the ancient mask. This exhibition exhibits the opposite direction in the dress, there is no eye part of the design, meaning to reflect our confusion and helplessness in front of the virus.

薄暮 Dusk

《薄暮 dusk》刘 冲杜邦纸Dupont paper本作品采用杜邦纸材料制作。本作品的灵感来自于欧洲黑死病时期大夫的面罩,在作品的色彩上用白色制作出一个纯白的鸟嘴形式面罩,模拟古老的面罩。本此展品在穿着上反其道而行之,没有眼睛部分的设计,意为体现在病毒面前我们的迷茫与无奈。Instruction: This work is made of Dupont paper. The inspiration of this work comes from the mask of doctors in the Period of Black Death ...

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