《同云雨   Share the same trials and hardships》

张 鹏  Zhang Peng


Indigo dyed organza, lace, linen.        




Different worlds, under the same rain. Regardless of the country, nationality and race, we only make the same voice just for human survival under the epidemic situation. The box cut into the shape of mask symbolizes the difference of region and space.     


The sudden outbreak of the epidemic makes us focus on the evironmental and ecological protection again. We express our commitment and action to the sustainable development of fashion through green design of combing the remaining plant dyeing scraps after cutting and wearing old clothes.

同云雨 Share the Same Trials and Hardships

《同云雨   Share the same trials and hardships》张 鹏  Zhang Peng靛蓝染色欧根纱、蕾丝、亚麻布 Indigo dyed organza, lace, linen.        不同的世界,下的相同的雨,无论国别、民族、种族,在疫情之下只为人类生存而发出相同的声音,裁剪成口罩形状的方框象征地域之异,空间的差别。突如其来的疫情,让我们把目光再次投向环境与生态保护,通过将裁剪剩余的植物染色碎料和穿旧服装再利用的绿色设计表达对时尚可持续发...

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