《造物15 Artificial 15》


这几个月来,世界发生了种种事情,新冠病毒,澳洲火灾,南极多处温度突破二十度,等等。这每一件事情都是人为和自然因素联动过程导致的,但是这每一件事情却又是大自然的反抗。一次次的冲击让我真正不再抱着事不关己的心态,而是意识到了大自然有着多么强的力量。但人为因素也是不容小觑的。时代更迭,科技发展的太强大直到融入生活中的点点滴滴,让我们对自然以及我们生活的世界有了全新的理解。在我的作品中,我想通过朴素传统的工艺和人造材料带观众走入一个有未来感和超现实的想象中。 在极端的情况下,我使用有限的材料来扩展尽可能有趣和有机的表现。在我的工作过程中,我产生了一些想法。 






During the past few months, a variety of things happened in the world, including coVID-19 pandemic, Bushfires in Australia, Locust Infestation in Africa, Taal Volcano Eruption, Temperatures in the South Pole break 20 degrees, and so on. Each of these things is caused by the linkage process between human and natural factors, but each of these things happened shows the resistance of nature. Again and again, the impact made the artist no longer holds the mind of nothing, but realizes how powerful nature is. But the human factor cannot be underestimated. Times have changed and technology has grown so powerful that it has become a part of our lives, giving us a new understanding of nature and the world in which we live. In this work, I want to bring the audience into the imagination of a futuristic and surreal through the simple traditional techniques and artificial materials. In the extreme situation, I use limited materials to expand as interesting and organic representations as possible. In my working process, I came up with some thoughts.

As society becomes more technologically advanced, how will our everyday routine evolve?

How can artists create or design nature?

Can people visualize the future based on this huge image library” from the past?

If our senses cannot keep up with our perception of the world, can we use technology to understand the world?


造物15 Artificial 15

《造物15 Artificial 15》胡虹慈  这几个月来,世界发生了种种事情,新冠病毒,澳洲火灾,南极多处温度突破二十度,等等。这每一件事情都是人为和自然因素联动过程导致的,但是这每一件事情却又是大自然的反抗。一次次的冲击让我真正不再抱着事不关己的心态,而是意识到了大自然有着多么强的力量。但人为因素也是不容小觑的。时代更迭,科技发展的太强大直到融入生活中的点点滴滴,让我们对自然以及我们生活的世界有了全新的理...

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