《疫情日志》Covid-19 Diary

张婷婷  Zhang Tingting 

无纺布\油墨  Nonwoven \ Ink


During the  epidemic of Covid-19 , the number of new cases and deaths in the world is recorded every day, feeling that it is not only the change of the number, but also the great disaster of human beings behind the number and the separation and death faced by every nation and every family. However, we need strong courage and positive attitude to face the impermanence of life.

疫 情 日 志 / Covid-19 Diary

《疫情日志》Covid-19 Diary张婷婷  Zhang Tingting 无纺布\油墨  Nonwoven \ Ink疫情期间,每天对世界每日新增病例和死亡人数进行记录,感受着与日俱增的不仅仅是数字的变化,而是数字后面人类的巨大灾难以及每个民族,以及每个家庭所面临的生离与死别,然而,我们需要强大的勇气和积极的心态面对生命的无常…… During the  epidemic of Covid-19 , the number of new cases and deaths in the world is recorded every day,...

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