“无间相盈"——2024米兰时尚艺术文化交流展 | 展览回顾

2024年10月16日 23:18


On September 14, 2024, the "A MUTUAL ART WORLD - 2024 Fashion Art Culture Exchange Exhibition" successfully opened in Milan, Italy, a global hub for fashion and culture. The exhibition is hosted by the Italian Fashion and Art Culture Association and the International Fashion Art Network, organized by the Chinese Cultural Center in Milan, and supported by the District 1 Government of Milan, the Milan City Government, the China Nationality Culture and Art Foundation, the Fashion Art Profefssional Committee of China Textile Engineering Society, as well as academic support from the School of Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.


This exhibition bears witness to the fusion of fashion and art. We will see how artists and designers from China and Italy draw inspiration from life, creatively incorporating it into fashion art, finding cultural resonance in this rich and diverse world.

| 策展人致辞 |


费朗切斯卡·利贝拉托雷 Francseaca Liberatore(意大利 | ITALY)


Honorary Chair of ACEW Milan Fashion and Art Culture Week; renowned fashion designer and special guest designer at the world's four major fashion weeks; Head of the Fashion Design Department at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Italy; member of the Italian National Fashion Association.


Francesca Liberatore, in her speech, expressed her amazement at the artistic achievements and creative level of the Chinese designers and artists, as well as her high appreciation for the works on display. She mentioned that the exhibited pieces showcased exceptional creativity and innovation, with some new technologies even leading the industry. She hopes that this exchange exhibition will further promote the cultural integration between China and Italy, leading to more meaningful and valuable outcomes together.

吕越 Lyu Yue(Aluna)


Chair of the International Fashion Art Network; professor and PhD supervisor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, founder of the Fashion Design program; Vice Chair of the Fashion Design Art Committee of the China Artists Association; Chair of the Fashion Art Committee of the China Textile Engineering Society; curator of the International Fashion Art Exhibition.


Professor Lyu Yue(Aluna) first expressed her gratitude to the Italian Fashion and Art Culture Association, the International Fashion Art Network, and the Chinese Cultural Center in Milan for organizing this event, as well as to the many leaders and colleagues whose strong support helped create a broad platform for the exhibition. She then extended her thanks to the District 1  Government of Milan, the Milan City Government, the China Nationality Culture and Art Foundation, the Fashion Art Professional Committee of the China Textile Engineering Society, and the School of Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. It is through the joint efforts of various organizations, institutions, and the many talented participating artists and working teams that this high-level exhibition has been made possible.


This exhibition coincides with the 20th exhibition of the International Fashion Art Network, making its hosting in Milan of extraordinary, milestone significance.  T he artists featured in the exhibition come from various fields; their roles may differ, but all focus on fashion art. Through abstract, figurative, and even surreal approaches, they depict the states of the universe. By skillfully blending colors, shapes, and materials, and incorporating diverse technological methods such as digital and scientific tools, they create rich visual effects. These fashion works transcend mere functional use in daily life; they are expressions of culture, reflections of individuality, and resonances with the environment and nature. This is not only a display of visual aesthetics but also a perception of the universe's wonders and a celebration of the vitality of life.

刘一行 Liu Yihang


Secretary-General of the ACEW Organizing Committee of the Italian Fashion and Art Culture Association, Director of the Industry Promotion Committee; founder of the Yihang Yixian International Art Center.


Liu Yihang expressed gratitude to the organizers, co-organizers, and supporting units. He noted that this first collaboration between the Italian Fashion and Art Culture Association and the International Fashion Art Network has been a great success, with 59 participating artists and 57 pieces/sets of works featured in the exhibition. The works include a variety of forms such as clothing, jewelry, and digital fashion, making it a perfect presentation of fashion art and design.

| 开幕剪彩 |



Group photo of guests at the opening ceremony


The guests participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony included the curator of the exhibition and Chair of the International Fashion Art Network (IFAN), Lyu Yue (Aluna); Honorary Chair of ACEW Milan Fashion and Art Culture Week, Francesca Liberatore (Italy); Secretary-General of the ACEW Organizing Committee, Liu Yihang; as well as Chair of the Italy-China Silk Road Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Center, Meibina (Italy); Creative Director of Milan Fashion and Art Culture Week, Liu Yang; General Manager of Italy's ISA International Fabric Company, Luca Caso (Italy); and the Head of Asia-Pacific Affairs at the New Academy of Fine Arts (NABA) in Milan, Jia Ning. Also joining the ribbon-cutting were several participating artists and representatives, including Mu Yun, Professor of Fashion Design at the School of Design and Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts; Lu Wenxin, President of Beijing Chuangyi Zhiyuan International Culture and Art Co., Ltd.; Lu Yaqiao, Visual Manager at Baili International Group; and Ming Xue, Brand Director of Beijing Riyu Yushan Garment Co., Ltd.


 Opening ceremony guests group photo

| VIP观展现场 |


剪彩仪式结束后,策展人吕越教授带领大家参观了展览,与此同时,出席开幕式的参展艺术家们向来宾介绍了各自参展作品。一同观展的还有意大利对华友好协会主席、意大利前国家众议院议长Lrene Pivett;意大利中国理事基金会会长马里奥·博赛利;中国驻米兰总领事馆副总领事张凯斌;中国驻米兰总领馆领事王心怡、姚良军;意大利时尚与艺术文化协会主席、米兰中国文化中心执行主任李昂;意大利时尚与艺术文化协会中国区会长、ACEW组委会主席刘嘉宏;中国当代摄影艺术家尹超;ACEW米兰时尚文化周可持续发展中心副主任孟月明;衫也晴之品牌创始人史艳,等中意两国艺术家、设计师与来宾在展览现场就展览作品与其背后传递的艺术与文化进行了热烈的探讨与交流。

After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, curator Professor Lyu Yue (Aluna) led the attendees on a tour of the exhibition. Meanwhile, the participating artists present at the opening introduced their respective works to the guests. Among those visiting the exhibition were Irene Pivett, Chair of the Italy-China Friendship Association and former President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies; Mario Boselli, President of the Italy-China Association; Zhang Kaibin, Deputy Consul General of the Chinese Consulate in Milan; Consuls Wang Xinyi and Yao Liangjun from the Chinese Consulate in Milan; Li Ang, Chair of the Italian Fashion and Art Culture Association, Chair of the Chinese Culturale Center in Milan; Liu Jiahong, President of the Italian Fashion and Art Culture Association China chapter,President of the ACEW Organizing Committee; contemporary Chinese photographer Yin Chao; Meng Yueming, Deputy Director of the ACEW Milan Fashion Culture Week Sustainable Development Center; and Shi Yan, founder of the brand Shanyeqing. Artists, designers, and guests from both China and Italy engaged in lively discussions and exchanges about the exhibition works and the artistic and cultural messages they convey.


Curator Francseaca Liberatore communicate with artists



Mario Boselli, President of the Italy-China Association, engaged in discussions on-site with curator Lyu Yue (Artist), ACEW Chair man and ACEW China Chapter President Liu Jiahong.

意大利对华友好协会主席、意大利前国家众议院议长Lrene Pivett与策展人刘一行现场观展

Irene Pivett, Chair of the Italy-China Friendship Association and former President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, visited the exhibition on-site with curator Liu Yihang.


 Zhang Kaibin, Deputy Consul General of the Chinese Consulate in Milan, and Consul Wang Xinyi visited the exhibition on-site.
Participating artist Mu Yun introduced her exhibited work to the guests on-site.



Participating artist Lu Yaqiao introduced her exhibited work to the gues ts on-site.


Participating artist Ming Xue introduced her exhibited work to the guests on-site.
