时装艺术国际同盟换届大会圆满落幕 ——来自12个国家与地区的成员组成新一届理事会

2021年05月06日 21:52

The Closing Meeting of 2020 election of IFAN Committee


On 5 December 2020, Beijing time, the closing meeting of 2020 Election of International Fashion Art Network Committee was held online successfully.

时装艺术国际同盟是由各国艺术家、设计师、学者等组成,致力于促进时装艺术交流与合作的国际性时装艺术爱好者联盟。本次大会为五年一届的换届会议,来自中国、韩国、美国、墨西哥、挪威、巴基斯坦、法国、德国、奥地利、加拿大、中国香港、中国台湾等十二个国家和地区的55位同盟成员参会。大会由香港理工大学姜绶祥教授主持,主要议程包括同盟上届主席琴基淑(Key-sook Geum)教授致辞、副主席吕越教授对上届五年工作总结,全体参会成员投票选举出新一届理事会成员。

The International Fashion Art Network (IFAN) is an international fashion art organization, which composed of artists, designers, academics from all over the world. IFAN is committed to promoting the communication and collaborations of fashion art activities. This meeting is a five-year general meeting. Total 55 members from 12 countries and regions attended the meeting, including China, South Korea, the United States, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, France, Germany, Austria, Canada, Hong Kong SAR, and Taiwan. And it was hosted by Prof. Kinor Jiang from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The main agenda included a) a speech by Prof. Key-sook Geum, the chair of the last Committee; b) a working report of last term (2015-2020) by Prof. LYU YUE (Aluna), the Vice-chair of the last Committee; c) voting by all participating members and announcement of new committee members.

大会首先表达了对不久病逝的上届时装艺术国际同盟副主席、韩国时装艺术家、韩国德成女子大学艺术设计学院时装设计系朴炫信(Hyunshin Park)教授的深切悼念。同时整理出了朴教授生前参加过的历届时装艺术国际展资料,以微信推文感谢她为时装艺术所作出的努力。

First of all, we have a memorial time for the late Prof. Hyun-shin Park, a Vice-chair of IFAN, Korean fashion artist, and the Professor at Duksung Women's University. IFAN collected the information of international fashion art exhibitions that Professor Park had participated in during her lifetime and published a WeChat tweet to thank her efforts for fashion art.



主席:吕  越(中国)


常务理事委员:陈婵娟(美国)、邓玉萍、刘  君、梁楚茵(中国香港)梁  莉、梁明玉、李迎军、王  雷、王文娟、王玉涛、武学伟、吴洋(加拿大)、曾凤飞、张婷婷、周勇安、周朝晖、邹  游

中国理事委员:李  宁、刘  静、刘骧群、刘  寻、罗  杰、邵  芳、石  梅、孙  舒、王易凡、王  悦、吴  晶、谢梦荻、闫洪瑛、杨晓涵、苑国祥、张  刚、张茜宜、张  鹏、张清心、周  梦

The meeting approved the list of candidates for the IFAN Committee and conducted an election voting. Ms Lin Zhu, the election scrutineer, announced the list of new committee members (alphabetical order):

- Advisor: Key-sook Geum (South Korea)

- Chair: LYU YUE (Aluna) (China)

- Vice-chair: Anke Loh (United States), Carmen Rion (Mexico), Francoise Hoffman (France), Kinor Jiang (Hong Kong), Wei Li (China), Muhammad (Pakistan), Sarah (Germany), Sissy Pink (Austria), Lili Shi (China), Thomasine Barnekow (Norway), Chiu-I Hsu (Taiwan), Young-sun Yoo (South Korea)

- Standing Committee Members: Chanjuan Chen (America), Yuping Deng, Jun Liu, Debbie Leung(Hong Kong )Li Liang, Mingyu Liang, Yingjun Li, Lei Wang, Wenjuan Wang, Yutao Wang, Xuewei Wu, Yang Wu (Canada), Fengfei Zeng, Tingting Zhang, Yongan Zhou, Chaohui Zhou, You Zou

- Committee Chinese Members: Ning Li, Jing Liu, Xiangqun Liu, Xun Liu, Jie Luo, Fang Shao, Mei Shi, Shu Sun, Yifan Wang, Yue Wang, Jing Wu, Mengdi Xie, Hongying Yan, Xiaohan Yang, Guoxiang Yuan, Gang Zhang, Qianyi Zhang, Peng Zhang, Qingxin Zhang, Meng Zhou


Professor Key-sook Geum, the newly-appointed Advisor of IFAN, Professor LYU YUE (Aluna), the newly-elected Chair of IFAN, Professor Wei Li, and Professor Chiu-I Hsu, the new Vice-chair delivered speeches respectively. Prof. LYU YUE (Aluna) first thanked all members for their trust and support. She reviewed the achievements of IFAN, and the International Fashion Art Exhibitions have held in the past five years. She proposed to establish an IFAN Academic Committee. The proposal was approved by the General Committee, which elected Key-sook Geum as the director of the Academic Committee, Kinor Jiang, Wei Li, Aluna Lyu, and Tingting Zhang (alphabetical order) as the Vice-directors of the Academic Committee. With the increasing appeal of IFAN, more and more academics, artists, and designers from professional colleges and universities all over the world have joined us. The aim of the Academic Committee is to enhance the academic influence of the Fashion Art Exhibition. The above Academic Fellows are expertise in fashion art and actively contributed programs organized by IFAN. The establishment of the Academic Committee also aims to push IFAN to be a more impactive platform and encourage people to actively participate in the exhibitions held by IFAN. At the same time, the meeting also announced the list of newly-established Secretariat members.


Professor Wei Li, the Vice-chair of IFAN, hosted the founding ceremony of the Fashion Art Committee of China Textile Engineering Society. The Fashion Art Committee of China Textile Engineering Society was established on 16 October 2020. The members are mainly composed of artists, designers, and scholars. The Committee will organize global fashion art exhibitions, fashion art seminars, and release publications (i.e. work collection, articles) to promote the communication and academic development of international fashion art. The list of the first Fashion Art Committee members is as follows:

时装艺术同盟中国常务理事委员、时装艺术同盟学术委员会副主任张婷婷教授汇报了时装艺术同盟最新搭建的新媒体资源及最新展览预告。新合作的新媒体有Twitter、instagram 、youtube、Tik Tok、bilibili.、Wechat video等,并隆重推出时装艺术线上展览:"口罩" 来袭,看时装艺术怎么说!——《新世界,新视界——2020 时装艺术国际线上展》此次线上展览将参加长沙首届设计艺术周的系列展览活动,吕越教授也将代表同盟出席在长沙谢子龙影像馆举办的艺术周开幕式并将做展览介绍。

Prof. Tingting Zhang, the Standing Committee Chinese Member of IFAN and Vice-director of the Academic Committee of IFAN introduced new running of media resources and the latest preview of the exhibition. The new cooperation media include Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, bilibili, WeChat Video, etc. We have also prepared an online exhibition of fashion art: Mask is coming, look at what fashion art says! – "New World, New Vision – International Online Exhibition"


The online exhibition will be launched on 20 December 2020. Exhibition preview links are as follows:

官方网站 (Official Websites):

https://ifan-info.arthn.com (中文网址 Chinese)

https://e-ifan-info.arthn.com/ (英文网址 English)

媒体 (Other Media):




Members from different countries also warmly expressed their congratulations to IFAN. They expect that more Chinese and international artists will join in IFAN to communicate and promote the development of fashion art together in the next five years.
