作品名称“星”堆  Three "star" piles



Works in 2021 China Sanxingdui site archaeological discoveries, Sanxingdui ancient bronze mask, full pattern and three "star" form of association graphics, with PLA wire, as the 20th century greatest archaeological discoveries, shows the Yangtze river and the Yellow River basin is the mother of Chinese civilization deep culture, itself is history, nature, science, culture, art, science and technology, in the form of fashion art expression for the ancient life and the imagination of the future.


时装艺术国际同盟副主席 西安美术学院服装系教授、硕士研究生导师,西安美术学院附中副校长(主持行政工作),中央民族大学民俗学在读博士,中国服装设计师协会学术委员会理事,陕西省服装行业协会专家委员会委员。参展经历:时装艺术展、全国纺织品设计大赛、纤维艺术展等。

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